Pacific Coast Highway (Route 1) from San Francisco to L.A. Saturday, August 29th to Friday, September 4th
Summary: Spend a week before arriving at camp exploring and photographing the California coast and culture, driving the famous Route 1 from San Francisco to L.A. Highlights will include driving the famed Seventeen Mile Drive near Carmel, Big Sur, a visit to Hearst Castle in San Simeon, and the towns of Monterey, Santa Cruz, and Santa Barbara. We will have plenty of time to see the sights, and lots of latitude as to what the group may decide to do, so do some research ahead of time to have some idea of where youd like to stop and what youd like to see.
Cost: Cost of this trip is $50 in advance, to cover incidental costs related to the trip, plus we will share the cost of the rental cars and hotel rooms. Costs can be reduced by sharing hotel rooms with more people. The approximate cost of rental vehicles, possibly minivans or convertibles, will be only about $110 per person with gas for the week. Contact Jerry for approximate hotel pricing information. Other than the $50 payable to Mosaic, you'll make payment arrangements directly with Jerry.
Flights: You'll need to make arrangements to fly into SFO on Saturday and depart from LAX at the end of the International Event. Contact Jerry for all trip specifics.
Contact: Jerry Raines, Trip Leader & Prize Winning Photographer, at 301-279-2972 or email us.
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