Check In: Upon arrival at camp, you will check in with the registrar. You will receive your official event package, t-shirt, and everything else that you will need for the weekend.

Swimming Pool: The camp has a beautiful pool, in a surreal setting. It is absolutely gorgeous at sunset, and the most refreshing way to beat the afternoon heat. It is cool, it is wet, and this will be the place to hang out and relax.

Volleyball: Gather on the volleyball court for a friendly pick-up game. All level players are welcome.

Creative Outdoor Shabbat Service: Not your everyday Shabbat service. Mosaic is an all-volunteer organization, so this will be a lead by lay-leaders instead of clergy. You won't believe the energy as you dance, sing, and pray your way into Shabbat.

Shabbat Dinner: A traditional Shabbat dinner, complete with all the fixin's, will be served in the dining hall.

Opening Announcements: As we conclude dinner in the dining hall, we will fill you in on all you need to know about the weekend. You will meet your leaders and camp staff, and be filled in on important information. We expect everyone to be here. You do not want to miss this.

Ice Breakers, Games, and Meet & Greet: Following dinner, we will gather for all of the above. Get to know your fellow campers. Be prepared to participate and have some fun.

Campfire: The campfire will be lit after the Meet & Greet. If you would like, you can make a coal-burned Kiddush cup while you are sitting around the fire. Of course, there will always be s'mores served. The fire will remain lit as long as people want to enjoy it.

Astronomy: This is naked-eye stargazing at its best for the night owls. Join your Event Chair, Rick Dronsky, as he helps you to identify the common constellations with the aid of a green laser pointer.



Breakfast: Breakfast is served early enough for those who want to get an early start, but will continue late enough for those who want to sleep in a little.

Difficult Hikes: Those who want to do some extreme hiking in small groups will gather after breakfast to head off into the rugged nearby terrain. There are no marked trails; Find a ridge that you want to scramble up to, and it is all yours. Expect to be out past lunch, so pack up a lunch for yourself at breakfast, and take it with you.

Hike to the Village of Caves: This moderate hike will be the one of the highlights of the weekend! Gabe Goldman lives on property, and has been exploring the area for years. He has discovered some caves once used by ancient people, complete with artifacts and other archaeological evidence. He will lead us to the area, and along the way will conduct a spiritual Shabbat experience. Gabe will be joined by Dave Liebman, world-class naturalist and photographer. Together they will be able to spot and identify more wildlife than you'll see on your own in week. We will not limit the number of people on this hike, but we expect that the hikers will divide into smaller groups on their own. Lunch and water refills will be transported out by the camp staff to the lunch spot on the trail. You don't want to miss this hike!

Alpine Tower: This is a high ropes adventure tower, with many different elements, run by professional facilitators. Challenges can be performed by teams or individuals. Most elements do not push the physical limits as much as challenging your fears and problem solving. Allow four hours. Cost is $15.

Mountain Biking: We have ten mountain bikes for use at any given time. Check one out for up to four hours in the morning, and head for the hills. This is mountain biking at its best. Be on time so that you can bike with others. Be sure to wear all safety gear. Limit is 10 riders. Cost is $10.

Swimming Pool: The camp has a beautiful pool, and it will be open most of the day on Saturday. Feel free to chill for hours, or just cool off with a quick dip after activities. When you return from your hikes, or are done with your afternoon activities, you will want to grab your swimsuit and jump in. It's cool, it's wet, and this will be the place to hang out and relax during the day. The pool will remain open all day long.

Lunch: Lunch is served in the dining hall for anyone remaining on property during lunchtime. Those who are on difficult hikes will pack up their lunches during breakfast, and take it with them. If you will be on the moderate hike to the Village of the Caves, lunch will be brought out to you on the trail by the camp staff.


Mountain Biking: We have ten mountain bikes for use at any given time. Check one out for up to two hours in the afternoon (you probably won't want it for more due to the afternoon sun), and head for the hills. There are two time slots for bikes in the afternoon on Saturday. This is mountain biking at its best. Be on time so that you can bike with others. Be sure to wear all safety gear. Limit is 10 riders. Cost is $10.

Arts & Crafts: There are many different projects available to us, which are fun for adults. If you want to duck indoors for a while, this is the perfect opportunity.

Volleyball: Meet players of all levels on the volleyball court for a friendly pick-up game.

Pool Games: Your Event Chair, Rick Dronsky, will lead you in some organized games in the pool. Some are silly, some are challenging. You won't be bored whether you choose to participate, or just watch the antics.

Nature Walk with Dave Liebman: This will be an easy walk around the property, discovering wildlife of all kinds. Dave Liebman is an expert naturalist, and a staple at Mosaic International Events. You've walk past the same areas many times, but you'll see things that you never noticed before. Dave definitely subscribes to the philosophy that "the slower you walk, the more you see".


Havdallah Candle Making: Gabe Goldman will offer instruction in making hand-made Havdallah candles. All the necessary supplies will be available. You can use them in the evening for Havdallah with the group, or take them home for future use.

Mosaic T-shirt Night & Club Photos: Wear your club t-shirt to dinner, and show up a little early to take group photos. Take club photos in front of your banners with an extraordinary backdrop of the hills at sunset. Wearing your club t-shirt is also a great way to show club spirit!

Dinner: Expect a special treat for dinner! We hope you like surprises.

Announcements: As always, stick around after dinner for some quick announcements and updates.

Pool Party and Poolside Dessert Buffet: How can we explain it any better? Sunset is an amazing time in Simi Valley, and we want to make it even more amazing by setting up a dessert buffet poolside. You can go in the pool, or just hang out near it. Enjoy!

Havdallah: Havdallah means "separation", and this brief and beautiful ceremony recognizes the separation between Shabbat and the rest of the week. It's so moving to be part of a circle of 150 people, in the twilight, with candles flickering, all while singing, chanting, and praying. Drink the wine, smell the spices, see the flames.

Night Experience Hike: This easy walk around the property will focus on experiencing the nighttime to its fullest. No flashlights on this hike, please. Gabe Goldman will lead us in such activities as nighttime awareness techniques, wolf calling, owl calling, disappearing heads, and much more. Gabe's charismatic style will captivate you.

Campfire: The campfire is the central place for people to gather at night. Sing, play games, mingle, or just relax and look up at the stars. Of course, there will always be s'mores served. If you'd like, you can make a coal-burned Kiddush cup while you're sitting around the fire. The fire will remain lit as long as people want to enjoy it.

Israeli Dancing: Join our facilitators in the traditional Israeli folk dances that we have come to know and love. Most are done in a circle, without partners, similar to the hora. If you know how the dances, you'll have no trouble at all. If you've never done them before, there will be instruction at the beginning of each dance, and you'll pick it up in no time.



Breakfast: Breakfast is served early enough for those who want to get an early start, but will continue late enough for those who want to sleep in a little.

Difficult Hikes: Once again, those who want to do some extreme hiking in small groups will gather after breakfast to head off into the rugged nearby terrain. There are no marked trails; Find a ridge that you want to scramble up to, and it's all yours. Expect to be out past lunch, so pack up a lunch for yourself at breakfast, and take it with you.

Moderate Hikes: Those who want to do some hiking, but choose to keep it a little easier will gather together after breakfast. As a group you will choose your route and your pace. Expect to be out past lunch, so pack up a lunch for yourself at breakfast, and take it with you.

Easy Hike: If you want to hike, but also keep it easy, meet a little later, and return in time for lunch, this is the hike for you. These hikers will go together in one group, and can socialize, sing, and explore for a few hours in the morning before it warms up.

Alpine Tower: This is a high ropes adventure tower, with many different elements, run by professional facilitators. Challenges can be performed by teams or individuals. Most elements do not push the physical limits as much as challenging your fears and problem solving. Allow four hours. Cost is $15.

Mountain Biking: We have ten mountain bikes for use at any given time. Check one out for up to four hours in the morning, and head for the hills. This is mountain biking at its best. Be on time so that you can bike with others. Be sure to wear all safety gear. Limit is 10 riders. Cost is $10.

Organic Gardening: You can come and go at your leisure to this activity. The camp is known throughout the area for its organic garden, and you'll have the opportunity to help harvest, to sample some of the food, and learn the advantages of organic gardening. The garden at BBI served as the pilot for Gabe's Helping Hands Gardens project, which Gabe plans to expand across CA. Check out the video here!

Horseback Riding (Sunday morning, beginners): Hop on your steed, and ride off into some of the most beautiful country. We will be riding horses only on Sunday. Beginners will ride on Sunday morning only. It will be a slow, easy pace, so that it's comfortable for everyone. Limit 10 riders. Cost is $40.

Swimming Pool: The camp has a beautiful pool, and it will be open most of the day on Saturday. Feel free to chill for hours, or just cool off with a quick dip after activities. When you return from your hikes, or are done with your afternoon activities, you will want to grab your swimsuit and jump in. It's cool, it's wet, and this will be the place to hang out and relax during the day. The pool will remain open all day long.

Lunch: Enjoy a scrumptious lunch in the dining hall in between activities.


Mountain Biking: We have ten mountain bikes for use at any given time. Check one out for up to two hours in the afternoon (you probably won't want it for more due to the afternoon sun), and head for the hills. There are two time slots for bikes in the afternoon on Saturday. This is mountain biking at its best. Be on time so that you can bike with others. Be sure to wear all safety gear. Limit is 10 riders. Cost is $10.

Wilderness Survival Skills: Gabe Goldman is an expert at survival in the wilderness, and he will be sharing some of his skills with you. Have you ever wanted to learn to make fire by rubbing two sticks together? Do you know how to make rope from a palm frond? You'll learn this and much more in a comfortable setting in camp.

Horseback Riding (Sunday afternoon, experienced riders only): Hop on your steed, and ride off into some of the most beautiful country. We will be riding horses only on Sunday. Beginners will ride in the morning, while the afternoon ride will be limited to experienced riders only. You must be able to control your horse. Limit 10 riders. Cost is $40.

Edible & Medicinal Plant Walk: Again, Gabe Goldman will lead you on a walk nearby camp, this time to identify the edible plant species, as well as to explain the medicinal uses of other plants. If you enjoy wilderness survival, you don't want to miss this walk.

Massage Therapy Workshop: Grab a partner (figuratively speaking) and join our resident massage therapist for some tips on how to give that much-needed massage to relax those sore muscles after a day of activity. "I'll do yours if you do mine."

Volleyball: Another friendly pick-up game for players of all levels.


Dinner: You'll be mighty hungry by the time dinner is served, and the camp cooks up some of the best food west of the Mississippi.

Awards & Closing Ceremony: As the week comes to a close, we will take this opportunity to recognize those volunteers who have contributed so much time and effort to Mosaic.

Annual Meeting of the Mosaic Council of Delegates: This is your opportunity to get involved in Mosaic. Volunteer to help out on a committee, run for a national board position, or take part in the national election. We hope that all Mosaic members participate in this once-a-year opportunity.

Campfire: If you choose not to participate in the Annual Mosaic Meeting, you are welcome to gather by the campfire. Mosaic will not be organizing any activities at this time.

Wildlife Photography Presentation: Dave Liebman is a word-class professional photographer. He has literally millions of pictures, and has been published in many field guides, magazine covers, and even postage stamps. You never know what photos he'll choose to share with us.


Breakfast: This is your final meal before saying "goodbye" to new and old friends.

Departures: Most of us will be departing on Monday morning to head off to the airport to catch our flights. The time you depart camp will depend both on the schedule of our shuttles, and your flight departure time.

Hikes: If you'd like to stay on property and hike on Monday, we have been given permission. We can even pack up some leftover lunch food so that we can stay out till the afternoon. Lunch will not be served on property.

Nature Walk with Dave Liebman: This will be an easy walk around the property, discovering wildlife of all kinds. Dave Liebman is an expert naturalist, and a staple at Mosaic International Events. You've walk past the same areas many times, but you'll see things that you never noticed before. Dave definitely subscribes to the philosophy that "the slower you walk, the more you see".

Swimming Pool: The pool will be open for a few hours in the morning. Unless you are out hiking, we need to vacate the property by 12:00 noon on Monday.

Volleyball: Another friendly pick-up game for players of all levels.

Schedule is subject to change without notice.

© 2009 Mosaic Outdoor Clubs of America. All rights reserved.