ARTS & HISTORY TRACK [Pre-Paid Add-On]: Funky Groovy "Green" Tour. We'll visit the old Woodstock site, a museum devoted entirely to the Woodstock experience, and see some of the effects that the hippie movement had in helping to change the world. Our first stop is The Museum at Bethel Woods -- an immersive and captivating multi-media experience that combines film and interactive displays, text panels and artifacts to explore the unique experience of the Woodstock festival, its significance as a culminating event of a decade of radical cultural transformation, and the legacy of the Sixties and Woodstock today. It sits on the site of the original Woodstock Music and Art Fair in 1969. We'll have lunch on the grounds. Next stop is WJFF 90.5 - the Catskills' hydro-powered radio station that uses energy generated by a nearby trout stream. It is one of two radio stations nationwide that have taken themselves completely "off the grid." Then we'll head to the Apple Pond Farm and Renewable Energy Center,
which operates as an organic farm featuring draft and pleasure horses, and naturally-raised sheep and goats. Through several wind and solar renewable energy systems, the farm seeks to be as independent of fossil fuels as possible. We'll tour the farm, see how they harness the sun and wind for energy, and learn about goat milking, wool spinning, organic gardening, horse training and more. Cost: $27 (includes admission to all venues and transportation.) Limit 15 people. Drive time from camp: 30 minutes.
BOAT & FLOAT TRACK I [Pre-Paid Add-On]: Tube the Delaware River. Relax, sit back, and drift below the cliffs and spectacular rock formations as the breathtaking panorama of the Catskill and Pocono Mountains unfolds above, and the crystal clear waters of the Delaware river gurgle below. This is a beginner trip; there may be some mild whitewater but they advise this trip for ages 5 and up, so nothing to fret about! We can link our tubes together, schmooze, play and swim during this lazy float on the river. Cost: $26. Limit 30 people. Distance from Camp: 60 min.
BOAT & FLOAT TRACK II [Pre-Paid Add-On]: Tunsten Mountain Hike and Tube the Falls. Now for something completely different.... We'll start our day on the 3-mile moderately strenuous Tunsten Mountain Trail, where we'll spend the morning climbing up to check out the great views of the Upper Delaware River valley. This is one of the most scenic hikes in the area! Then we'll get back on the bus to head down to the river for an afternoon of tubing in Skinner's falls. At the skinners falls location we'll rent our tubes, then float down through the 1/4 mile of river that has a class II rapid. After floating through the rapids, we'll take out, walk the path along the river back to your starting point and tube it again. This can be done as many times as you like! This is the most popular tubing trip in this part of town, and it's perfect for a hot day. Hike Elevation change is 500'. Cost: $12. Limit 15 people. Distance from Camp: 60 min.
EASY HIKE TRACK I [Included]: Nature and Photography Hike in Mongaup State Park. Take your time and take in the birds and tree canopy in this diverse watershed area. Minimal elevation change makes for an easy walk of about 2 miles to the pond and back, but you'll want to add a 2 mile walk around the pond which features a most lovely meadow at the crest of a rise filled with wildflowers. The trail can be muddy so hiking boots are best but old sneakers will do. Bring your camera! Elevation gain minimal. Hike distance 4 miles. Limit 16 people. Distance from Camp: 50 min.
***CANCELLED*** MODERATE HIKE TRACK I [Included]: Hike the Hodge Pond/Frick Pond Loop. From the Frick Pond Trailhead, we'll hike the Flynn Trail north to Beech Mountain Nature Preserve, a private property with a NYS easement for a public footpath. The trail passes by the south shore of Hodge Pond before returning to State Forest Preserve. Continuing westward, the Flynn Trail ends at Junkyard Junction. From here, we'll return to the trailhead parking lot via the Quick Lake Trail, passing by Frick Pond. Total distance, 6.3 miles. Elevation gain TBD. Limit 14 people. Distance from Camp: 50 min. ***NOTE: This activity has been cancelled due to lack of interest and you can no longer register for it.***
MODERATE HIKE TRACK II [Included]: "Trail-Less-Traveled" Hike and Swim. This hike has two halves. The first half involves hiking on a nature trail with ferns, mossy rocks and soft leaf ground cover with occasional pine bark and wildflowers. For those interested in identifying many different types of mushrooms and fungus, bring a reference book and explore. The trail is clearly marked with blazes but many places are not cleared due to abundance of foliage, moss and fallen leaves as well as the lack of use. After two hours we will arrive at a nice waterfall for a leisurely break including an optional dip and natural water slide. We'll then continue on to the second half of the hike along a snowmobile trail with a pine canopy, ferns, moss-covered rocks, and the abundance of woodpeckers. The trail ends at Monguap State Campground. Upon arrival we can swim, hang out, or rent a boat (prices range from $6 to $20; pay onsite). Total hike length is 4 miles. Elevation gain 200'. Limit 14 people. Distance from Camp: 50 min.
MODERATE HIKE TRACK III [Included]: Minnewaska State Park Lake Awosting Hike and Swim. Explore this hiker's paradise with a 7-mile hike through Minnewaska State Park in New Paltz. We will start off from Lake Minnewaska on some carriage roads to Lake Awosting and marvel at the charming views of the Catskill Mountains. Watch out for blueberries!! Bring towel, swimsuit, and water shoes for a looong jump in the lake. (Once youre in, it's hard to come out!!!). Bring lunch, 2 liters of water, and extra water shoes for the lake (but wear hiking boots or sneakers for the hike). Elevation gain TBD. Limit 15 people. Distance from Camp: 45 min.
***CANCELLED***STRENUOUS HIKE TRACK I [Included]: Hike to Ashokan High Point. A gradual climb to a scenic and extensive blueberry heath with intimate views of the high peaks. The trail to Ashokan High Point (3,080 feet) follows an old but very well-built settlement road along hemlock-fringed Kanape Brook. Bluestone walls and ditches constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s have protected the trail from erosion. This out and back trail is 8.2 miles round trip with an Elevation Gain of 1980 Feet with estimated hiking time of 6.5 hours. A short bushwack down from the summit leads to a stunning 270 degree view of the Catskill high peaks: Slide, Cornell, Wittenberg and Lone and the azure waters of the Ashokan reservoir. Hike length: 8.2 miles. Elevation change 1980';. Limit 12 people. Drive time from camp: 60 min. ***NOTE: This activity has been cancelled and you can no longer register for it.***
STRENUOUS HIKE TRACK II [Included]: Hike Giant Ledge and Panther Mountain. Hike up to amazing viewpoints. The west side of the ridge has the typical smooth rounded shape caused by glacial action and years of erosion. The east side provides a panoramic view of the northern and southern Catskills, as well as the Esopus Valley and the forest canopy below. The viewpoints sit atop a sheer cliff dropping to the forest floor, 180 feet below. A 200' descent and a 1.5-mile hike along the ridgeline connects Giant Ledge to 3,720 foot Panther Mountain one of the 35 Catskill peaks that rises above 3500' in elevation. This hike is considered moderately strenuous. Hike length: 6.6 miles. Elevation change 1900';. Limit 12 people. Drive time from camp: 60 min.
STRENUOUS HIKE TRACK III [Included]: Hike Slide Mountain. Hike the Catskills' highest peak at 4,180 ft. John Burroughs popularized this mountain and spent numerous nights sleeping beneath a rock ledge at the summit that today bears a memorial plaque in his honor. The trail to Slide's summit travels through a typical second growth Catskill forest of sugar maple, beech, yellow birch and hemlock. The Summit provides an good view of other Catskill Mountains and valleys as well as a distant view of Vermont's Green Mountains and the Berkshires of Massachusetts and Connecticut. Return by Curtis-Ormsbee Trail. Hike length: 6.6 miles. Elevation change 1750'; Limit 12 people. Drive time from camp: 60 min.
ADVENTURE TRACK I [Pre-Paid Add-on]: Horseback Trail Ride. Two-hour trail ride through the breathtaking Hudson Valley Countryside. All levels welcome. Cost: $73. Wear jeans and sneakers. No open toe sandals, hiking boots, or flip-flops allowed. Limit 14 people.
CAMP ACTIVITIES TRACK I [Included]: Boating/ Swimming in Camp. The waterfront at the lake will be open this morning for boating around the lake, swimming, sunning, etc. Unlimited.
CAMP ACTIVITIES TRACK II [Included]: Can You Canoe?! Almost anyone can get from here to there in a canoe. But can you get from here to there smoothly, with minimum energy, safely, and without yelling at your paddling partner? Brenlee will teach paddling strokes: basic stroke, draws and pries, sweeps, J-stroke. Those who show proficiency will then be taught some solo skills. Added bonus option: do you know what to do if a canoe tips? Those who wish will be taught rescue techniques. Rescue practice will require getting wet. Limit 10 people.
CAMP ACTIVITIES TRACK III [Included]: Archery. Oopen target practice at the archery range. All skill levels welcome. Limit 16 people.
CAMP ACTIVITIES TRACK IV [Included]: Sports and Fitness at Camp. There are gorgeous tennis courts, basketball courts, volleyball courts, and other sporting fields available and open for your use, and the camp has a fitness center, as well. Work out, grab a partner, get a group together, hit some balls, shoot some hoops... then go cool off in the lake.... Unlimited.
CAMP ACTIVITIES TRACK V [Included]: Shabbat. Lay-led services will be available for those who wish to attend. Volunteers welcomed. Unlimited.
EASY HIKE TRACK II [Included]: Visit Basha Kill Wildlife Management Area. The Basha Kill Wetlands: The largest freshwater wetlands in southeastern New York consist of some 3,000 acres of wetlands and uplands. The landscape offers scenic views and an unmatched natural setting for hiking, canoeing, bird watching and fishing. Above all the Basha Kill is a place breathes deeply, to feel the beauty and peace of unique, unspoiled place in nature. It is home to over 200 species of birds, 30 varieties of fish, including the remarkable, "prehistoric" bowfin; the bald eagle, many plants, reptiles, amphibians, mammals and insects. It is an unforgettable experience to be present when the birds return to the kill in the spring. The cacophony of sounds is extraordinary. It is always an adventure to watch a Great Blue Heron lift off and fly across the water. We'll walk around and see what we see. Bring a camera, sturdy shoes (the trail may be muddy in places), water, and snacks. No charge. Limit 15 people. Drive time from camp: 20 minutes. NOTE: This is a repeat of the Friday morning activity by the same name.
ADVENTURE TRACK I [Included]: Bike Ride From Camp. Cycling on the roads north of camp, to the town of Woodridge. Round trip distance approx 20 miles. Join a pack of road cyclists on the rural roads around camp. Traffic is light on most roads, but we must use some that are busier. This event will have its ups and downs as we encounter some hills, and there are some bumpy sections of pavement. Bring your own bike, bike helmets are mandatory. Bring lunch and plenty of water. Limit 15 people.
EASY HIKE TRACK III [Included]: Nature Hike around Lake in Camp with Dave. With Dave, it's always a surprise to discover things that you never knew were right there under your nose. We'll walk around the lake and see what we can see. We might even learn a thing or two about the flora and fauna, as well as what's good to eat! Elevation change minimal. Limit 20 people.
CAMP ACTIVITIES TRACK I [Included]: Ropes, Knots, and Lashing Hands on workshop in which the participants will learn the differences between laid, braided, and jacketed cords and the advantages between Natural Fiber, Nylon, and Polypropylene lines. We will spend some time whipping, fusing, and splicing the ends of our ropes. Next we will learn to tie and become proficient with the eight basic knots and Hitches of the outdoorsman. Once the group masters the Square Knot, Bowline, Clove Hitch, Sheet Bend, Taught-Line Hitch, Two-Half Hitches, Timber Hitch, and Sheep Shank we will put them to practical use and apply them to our lashings that can be used to build a tower, raft, ladder, or bridge to name just a few uses for this kind of skill. This should be a fun filled 4 hours and participants should walk away with the knowledge, skills and confidence to tie the knot! Limit 20 people.
CAMP ACTIVITIES TRACK II [Included]: Pool Open in Camp. The Olympic-sized pools will be open this afternoon for swimming, sunning, reading, or just hanging out. Lifeguards will be on duty. Unlimited.
CAMP ACTIVITIES TRACK III [Included]: Sports and Fitness at Camp. There are gorgeous tennis courts, basketball courts, volleyball courts, and other sporting fields available and open for your use, and the camp has a fitness center, as well. Work out, grab a partner, get a group together, hit some balls, shoot some hoops... then go cool off in the pool.... Unlimited.
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