Our Directors and Officers work hard throughout the year to guide the organization's activities and provide assistance to new and existing local clubs or chapters. Officers are elected to staggered two-year terms, and at-large directors to one-year terms, each year within 60 days of the North American Jewish Outdoor Escape on Labor Day Weekend.
President - Paul Silver (NorthEast Ohio Club)
Vice-President - Edward Schaefer (Maryland Club)
Secretary - Mindy Tumarkin (NorthEast Ohio Club)
Treasurer - Bonnie Proch (Maryland Club)
Director of Volunteer Engagement - Raymond Ockrant (Ontario Club)
Member At Large
Key Volunteers (non-Directors unless noted)
As a non-profit organization, we are dependent upon, and grateful to, all our volunteers who donate their time and expertise to the success of our organization. The following individuals have volunteered to take the lead on the major initiatives listed. If you would like to assist us with any of these projects, please contact them, or any of the directors listed above, and we will match you up with a volunteer opportunity that fits your interests, schedule and expertise.
Content Manager
Mindy Tumarkin - Mosaic Outdoor Club of Northeast Ohio
Brian Horowitz- Mosaic Outdoor Mountain Club of Greater New York
Back-end Technical Support
Andrew Weitzen
Newsletter Editor
Alan Wechsler